Quantum Fault Tolerance Threshold Plots
Learn to decode quantum fault tolerance threshold plots—key to scalable quantum computing! Discover how hardware imperfections, logical qubit errors, and qubit size impact thresholds, ensuring error correction surpasses error rates. Explore how Plaquette helps hardware teams tackle these challenges
The logic behind logical qubits
Discover why logical qubits are vital for fault-tolerant quantum computing! Learn how encoding quantum information can protect against errors, the role of the fault-tolerance threshold, and how QC Design’s Plaquette™ optimizes hardware for success.
The right roadmap accelerates the path to fault-tolerant quantum computing (Part–II)
The post discusses the unique challenges and requirements of building a fault-tolerant quantum computer compared to NISQ computers, emphasizing the need for sophisticated simulations and detailed blueprints to navigate hardware constraints and imperfections.
Fault-tolerant quantum computing will deliver the transformative promise of quantum computing (Part-I)
The challenge is in going from the less than 100 gates that can be applied on today’s NISQ devices to 10’s of millions needed for the transformative scientific applications and billions needed for the transformative commercial applications. Fault-tolerance is what will allow us to bridge this 10000X gap and that’s why many of the strongest teams in quantum computing are working on building fault-tolerant quantum computers.